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206 lines
unit Grafsys;
(* uses *)
(* Matrix, Transformations, Data3D, ResourceAccess; *)
Res3D = '3Dob'; (* This is the 3D object data resource name *)
MXP = 100; (* maximum number of Points in Object*)
MXL = 200; (* maximim number of lines in Object *)
MXPoly = 30; (* maximum number of Polygons per Object *)
MaxPolyLine = 10; (* Maximum Number of Lines per Polygon *)
Pi = 3.14159265;
(* projection Types *)
parallel = 0;
perspective = 1;
(* Erase Types *)
ObjRectFill = 0;
XorLines = 1;
WhiteLines = 2; (* draw all Lines in White *)
BlackLines = 3; (* draw all Lines in Black *)
ptsArray = array[1..MaxPolyLine] of integer;
Polygon = record
deepz: real; (* maximum (=deepest) z coordinate of this Polygon. For use with HiddenLine/surface *)
PointsInPoly: integer; (* number of Lines in this Polygon *)
points: ptsArray; (* reference to the Points that make out the Polygon *)
Flag: Boolean; (* General Purpose Flag, used in DepthSort *)
Matrix4 = array[1..4, 1..4] of Fixed;
Vector4 = array[1..4] of Fixed;
Point3D = Vector4;
RealVector4 = array[1..4] of Real; (* ATTENTION!!! Compare to the Coprocessor version !!! *)
Line3D = record
startpoint, endpoint: Integer; (* Number of 3D-point to draw from and to, both must be within 1 and obj.maxpoint *)
newline: boolean; (* Indicates that startpoint is not endpoint from last Line3D *)
PointArray = array[1..MXP] of Point3D;
LineArray = array[1..MXL] of Line3D;
PolyArray = array[1..MXPoly] of Polygon;
Eye3D = record
location: Point3D;
phi: Real;
theta: Real;
pitch: Real;
ViewAngle: Real;
Graf3DPtr = ^Grafport3D;
Grafport3D = record
ProjectionPlane: Rect;
ViewPlane: Rect;
left, right, top, bottom: Integer; (* Window rectangle *)
center: Point; (* center of screen *)
MasterTransform: Matrix4; (* Matrix for pretrafo for eye-coords *)
eye: Eye3D; (* the Eye of the Camera *)
UseEyeFlag: Boolean; (* FALSE --> eye is always at (0,0,0) and looks straight down z *)
d: Real; (* Perspective Parameter set up by Viewangle *)
Clip: Boolean; (* Tells algorithm if to clip to 3D Pyramid *)
HiddenLine: Boolean; (* use Hidden-Line Algorithm on Object *)
projectionType: INTEGER; (* parallel or perspective *)
versionID: LongInt; (* used to identify changes *)
screenArray = array[1..MXL] of integer; (* note : mxL, for all screencoords will be stored for all lines *)
screenPts = array[1..MXP] of integer;
newLineArray = array[1..MXl] of Boolean;
(* ScreenObj : This Data Structure holds an Transformed Object and all its data required to draw it on screen *)
(* OOP : should be an instant of Object3D *)
ScreenObjPtr = ^ScreenObj;
ScreenObj = record
nhmin, nhmax, nvmin, nvmax: integer; (* new rectangles from last calculation *)
hmin, hmax, vmin, vmax: integer; (* Rectange in which ScreenObject from SECOND LAST call to ClacScreenObj *)
Point: PointArray; (* Transformed Points of object *)
deepz: real; (* maximum z of all Transformed Points. Used for Scene-Building *)
maxPoint, maxLine, maxPoly: integer; (* number of Points, Lines and Polygons in this Object *)
Line: LineArray; (* Lines as defined in Parent Object *)
screenx: screenPts; (* x-coordinates of all Transformed Points *)
screeny: screenPts; (* y-coordinates of all Transformed Points *)
screenLines: integer;
Autoerase: Boolean;
EraseType: Integer;
(* The following data should be used as instances of the same basic object if we convert to *)
(* OOP Grafsys. *)
screen1x: ScreenArray; (* x-coordinates for clipped lines in CxxxScreenObj *)
screen1y: ScreenArray; (* - " - *)
screen2x: screenArray; (* used in Line-Clipping mode *)
screen2y: screenArray; (* - " - *)
newLine: newLineArray; (* - " - *)
Polygons: PolyArray; (* Polygons as defined in Parent Object *)
(* debugging only variables follow *)
(* GrafObj : The Representation of Objects for Object Drawing and Transformation *)
(* OOP : would be Object3D *)
GrafObjPtr = ^GrafObject;
GrafObject = record
versionID: LongInt; (* used to identify changes in Eye*)
hasChanged: Boolean; (* will be set TRUE after any change to Object *)
x, y, z: Real; (* position of object's Origin in 3D-space *)
xRot, yRot, zRot: Real; (* rotation of Object to its own origin *)
sx, sy, sz: Real; (* objects scaling factors *)
Trot: Matrix4; (* internal use : objects trafo-matrix for rotation*)
Ttrans: Matrix4; (* internal use only : objects trafo Matrix for translation and scaling *)
Tanyrot: Matrix4; (* matrix for additional rotation around any achsis *)
Tfreeform: Matrix4; (* internal use only : free translation of object *)
maxPoint: Integer; (* number of points in Object, max 100, min 2 *)
maxLine: Integer; (* number of Lines in Object, max 200, min 1 *)
maxPoly: Integer; (* number of Polygons in Object *)
Point: PointArray;
Line: LineArray;
Polygons: PolyArray;
vmax: integer; (* this objects maximal and minimal screen coords after last draw *)
vmin: integer;
hmin: integer;
hmax: integer;
AutoErase: Boolean; (* Flag for use with vmax..hmax and the fDrawObject routine *)
hasDrawn: Boolean; (* internal use only : for use with erase flag *)
EraseType: INTEGER;(* What kind of Erase-Technique for Autoerase *)
ScreenObjLink: ScreenObjPtr; (* attached screenobject. defaults to NIL *)
(* procedures to manipulate Grafport *)
procedure InitGrafSys; (* (var Master: Graf3DPtr) -- deleted, since we have GetGrafPort *)
procedure NewGrafport (thePlane: Rect; var the3DPort: Graf3DPtr);
procedure SetGrafPort (the3DPort: Graf3Dptr); (* tells grafsys in which port to draw *)
procedure GetGrafPort (var the3DPort: Graf3dptr); (* get current GrafPort *)
procedure SetView (ProjectPlaneSize, ViewPlaneSize: Rect);
procedure SetCenter (x, y: INTEGER);
procedure SetEye (UseEye: Boolean; x, y, z: REAL; phi, theta, pitch: real; viewangle: real; clipping: boolean);
procedure geteye (var UseEye: Boolean; var x, y, z, phi, theta, pitch, viewangle: real; var clipping: boolean);
(* routines to generate objects *)
function NewObject: GrafObjPtr;
function GetNewObject (theObjectID: INTEGER): GrafObjPtr;
function GetNewNamedObject (theObjectName: Str255): GrafObjPtr;
procedure SaveObject (theObject: GrafObjPtr; theName: Str255; ID: integer);
procedure SaveNamedObject (theObject: GrafObjPtr; theName: Str255; var ID: integer);
function AddPoint (theObject: GrafObjPtr; x, y, z: Real; var PointCount: integer): boolean;
function DeletePoint (theObject: GrafObjPtr; PointNumber: integer): Boolean;
procedure GetPoint (theObject: GrafObjPtr; thePoint: INTEGER; var x, y, z: REAL);
procedure ChangePoint (theObject: GrafObjPtr; thePoint: integer; x, y, z: real);
function AddLine (theObject: GrafObjPtr; src, tgt: integer): Boolean;
function DeleteLine (theObject: GrafObjPtr; theLine: INTEGER): Boolean;
function ChangeLine (theObject: grafObjPtr; theLine: INTEGER; src, tgt: INTEGER): Boolean;
procedure GetLine (theObject: GrafObjPtr; theLine: INTEGER; var src, tgt: INTEGER; var newline: boolean);
function SetPoly (p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9, p10: integer): polygon;
procedure AddPolygon (theObject: GrafObjPtr; thePolygon: Polygon; var PolyRef: Integer); (* does NOT polygon must have been created *)
function AddPointToPolygon (theObject: GrafObjPtr; thePolyref, thePointRef: Integer): boolean;
(* routines to manipulate object in 3D locally/operationorder-idependent*)
procedure ResetObject (theObject: GrafObjPtr); (* sets objects rotation and position of origin to 0 *)
procedure ObjRotate (theObject: GrafObjPtr; dXrot, dYrot, dZrot: real);
procedure SetObjRot (theObject: GrafObjPtr; Xrot, Yrot, Zrot: real);
procedure GetObjRot (theObject: GrafObjPtr; var Xrot, Yrot, Zrot: real);
procedure ObjTranslate (theObject: GrafObjPtr; dx, dy, dz: Real);
procedure SetObjTranslate (theObject: GrafObjPtr; xTrans, yTrans, zTrans: Real);
procedure GetObjTranslate (theObject: grafObjPtr; var xTrans, yTrans, zTrans: Real);
procedure ObjScale (theObject: GrafObjPtr; sx, sy, sz: Real);
procedure SetObjScale (theObject: GrafObjPtr; xScale, yScale, zScale: Real);
procedure GetObjScale (theObject: grafObjPtr; var xScale, yScale, zScale: Real);
procedure ObjRotateArb (theObject: GrafObjPtr; p1, p2: RealVector4; phi: Real); (* rotate local around arbitrary achsis *)
procedure ResetAnyRot (theObject: GrafObjPtr);
function ObjPoint (theObject: GrafObjPtr; thePoint: Integer): RealVector4; (* returns the coordinates of object's point if rotation where done *)
function ObjPointArb (theObject: GrafObjPtr; x, y, z: Real): RealVector4;
(* routines to manipulate object in 3D globally/operation-dependent *)
procedure ObjFreeRotate (theObject: GrafObjPtr; dXrot, dYrot, dZrot: real);
procedure ObjFreeRotateArb (theObject: GrafObjPtr; p1, p2: RealVector4; phi: Real);
procedure ObjFreeTranslate (theObject: GrafObjPtr; dx, dy, dz: Real);
procedure ObjFreeReset (theObject: GrafObjPtr);
(* routines to prepare to draw in 3D *)
procedure SetAutoErase (theObject: GrafObjPtr; Flag: Boolean);
procedure setprojection (theGrafPort: Graf3DPtr; projectionType: INTEGER);
procedure ToScreen (x, y, z: real; var h, v: INTEGER);
procedure TransformObject (theObject: GrafObjPtr; var xPointBuf, ypointBuf: screenPts; var hmin, vmin, hmax, vmax: integer; var deepz: Real; var Points: PointArray);